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Where in Your Life Do You Need to Add More Beauty?

What does FEMININE BEAUTY mean to you? Have you ever stopped and pondered? There has been so many connotations about beauty. The media, internet, advertisement, etc. has totally distorted the real innocence of beauty. Now we women are striving for every thing on the outside to feel more beautiful – which is achievable to many extent but […]

3 Steps to Feel Good Instantly

Hello Lovely, how are you feeling today? Have you ever had one of those days where you have been up and running since the morning, trying to juggle between your work and your personal life, ticking off things from your never ending to –do list of the  day and towards the end of the day […]

Will you do your Vagina a favour please?

  Will you do your vagina a favour please..   Ladies.. Today I wanted to share something really personal. It’s been 4 years that my husband I have quit consuming fluoride related products only when we found out its side-effects to our pineal gland which is related to the third eye chakra, our growth, our awareness […]

Time Management Can Be Sensual

Is there any woman on this planet earth who is not busy, over-worked and under-fulfilled? I totally get that feeling!   Zoe who is a member of my Online Exploring Femininity Community wanted to know how we can go about managing our time. I cannot be more thankful to her for asking this question because […]

What Is Feminine Clarity & Why Do You Need It?

So what is this ‘clarity’ that everyone in the personal development industry is talking about?   According to Google, ‘clarity’ is the quality of being coherent and intelligible. As a common norm, intelligence is associated with our mind and our brain. Really?   I pondered a lot on this and realized that clarity does not come […]

Feminine Rituals for Spring Equinox

Here in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, we are officially welcoming our spring with our arms wide open on the Equinox on 20th March. Spring Equinox means that from this day on wards the daylight starts to increase, the earth becomes illuminating, reminding us that as always the light is returning to earth. Hence, […]


How are you coping up this holiday season? 🙂  I am sure that you are bombarded with all sorts of information about discounted sale offers, tips on buying gifts, how not to overeat, how to style, best recipes, etc. etc. And by now, you must also be having a kind of your ‘shoulds’, ‘coulds’ and ‘have-tos’ […]

How to Make Moon Water

The night of 27th of September 2015 we will witness a Super Moon, which basically means that this is the time that the beautiful Moon will be closest to the Mother Earth. Moon has magical feminine powers and the more we intentionally connect with the moon, we will begin to receive its magical manifestations in our […]

Feminine Way of Journaling

I cannot stop insisting on the fact that the feminine loves beauty and elegance. And even a task that seems to be hectic and boring can be made interesting by adding beauty to it! Beauty is always tempting, isn’t it 😉 So today I am going to share with you some exciting and sensual ways where […]

1 Powerful Tool to get INTIMATE with yourself

In today’s busy world, we hardly find time to really dive deep into our emotions. If you are like me interested in reading self-development books and attending several personal development events/workshops, I am sure you’ve had the experience of several ‘aha’ moments which you want to further reflect upon sometime later when you have more […]