Womb Rage
Have you ever been told - ‘Don’t be too emotional!’ ?
The essence of womanhood lies in the reality that she encapsulates plentiful emotions.
We “the ladies” experience uncertainties in our sentiments. At one time we are rejoicing in glee, the very next moment we are humming the melancholic songs. One time we are grooving to a tune and other times, we are screaming at the peak of our voice

Yonis and Throats
The arrival and departure ends of energy flow in women's bodies are yonis and throats. These are referred to as the two gateways to a woman’s emotions. So, let’s begin our session by answering a few questions.
Have you ever thought about your desires, your fantasies, your needs, and your wants, while making love?

Do you use Jade Eggs?
When I first heard of Jade Eggs, I didn’t expect too much. In my mind, there was no chance they would be helpful to me. But, I am happy to say that I was wrong. Before I had started using Jade Eggs, I would rarely feel focused and confident in my body. However, after only a couple of weeks of using one, I could feel a significant positive difference.

Resource Your Feminine Energy by Busting these 3 Pleasure Myths
In this vlog I am busting 3 myths that stops us women from experiencing true pleasure on a regular basis, which in turn depletes our innate feminine energy.

How To Cultivate Your Desired Energy For the Day (using your womb power)
Everything is energy! Yes, you, me, this camera, my voice, your…

A Sensual Gratitude Exercise to Deepen Your Body-Love
A woman shines when she feels the juiciness of her body,…

6 Natural Ways to Cultivate Healthy Breasts
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide…

What does it mean to be a FEMININE EMPRESS ?
Until 8 years ago, I was what I like to call ‘a walking dead’.…

An Easy Mantra to Find your Inner Peace Anywhere Anytime
Today any news channel you open, any newspaper you take is…

My Labyrinth journey into the womb of the Great Goddess
So I had myself going on an impromptu camping holiday for a…

How to use the ancient art of smudging to remove negative energy
Let me ask you this - how positive do you feel on a day…

What is your Unhealthy Feminine?
Recently, there has been a lot of buzz around women being…

How to make a Manifestation Bowl to increase your receiving powers
This is a simple practice that adds to your everyday sacredness,…

33 Life Changing Life Lessons I Learnt in 33 Years
This year I turned 33.
I have been on a path of spiritual…

Powerful Tool to Cultivate Compassion For People Who Piss You Off!
What do you do when someone pisses you off by their words or…

This is how you dishonour yourself everyday !
Have you ever wondered that when you are in a job or even running…

Why is it important to pamper yourself for FREE?
If you find yourself going through your week at the speed…

How to De-stress in the Shower (a Quick Sensual Exercise)
So.. some people might think that I am crazy about Exploring…

One Sensual Way to Start ‘being’ There for Yourself!
Just pause and answer this - 'Are you there for your loved…

Fasting for Feminine Wisdom
Have you noticed how you begin to feel dense in your body and…

Feminine Virtues to Release Control in times of Uncertainty
What do you do when you feel indecisive, insecure, under…

4 Stepping Stones for a Lasting Love Relationship
They say read this book, buy this lingerie, get a new look,…

Women You Are Not Broken – You Are Only Breaking Through!
I have a great life! I love what I do, have an amazing beloved…