Feminine Rituals for Spring Equinox
Here in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, we are officially welcoming our spring with our arms wide open on the Equinox on 20th March.
Spring Equinox means that from this day on wards the daylight starts to increase, the earth becomes illuminating, reminding us that as always the light is returning to earth. Hence, the Spring Equinox is a representation of new light and life and new beginnings.
Now you may ask, so what’s the big deal? And let me tell you.. if you are feminine explorer like me who is constantly practicing the feminine principles of stepping in to our beauty, power and purpose as a woman, this is a potent time!
Watch the video below to find out why –
As the length of day and night becomes equal during Equinoxes –
Spring Equinox is a great time to bring in the delicate need for balance in our lives.
It is an excellent time to initiate a new order within your life burning out the old ones that are no longer serving you (I know you exactly know what I’m talking about).
This is why I would like to invite you to join me in this fun, simple and uplifting 7 days of Feminine Rituals for the Spring Equinox! Our feminine loves rituals.
In ancient times, during the Spring Equinox, simple rituals were performed for people to cleanse old energy out in their minds, bodies, homes, temples etc. This is where our tradition of ‘spring cleaning’ came from!
So gorgeous… as a feminine explorer let’s invoke the energy of this Spring Equinox to assist you in making renewals within all areas of your life. There is beauty in allowing yourself to open up to new possibility.
Click on the link below, sign up for the 7 Days Feminine Rituals for Spring Equinox and let’s make our lives blossom this spring!
Starting on the 20th March, for the next 7 days, you will receive simple, fun and uplifting steps to perform a spring cleanse feminine ritual to renew your mind, body and soul.
Make sure you join the Exploring Femininity Facebook Group where I will be sharing pictures of my 7 day Feminine Rituals playing alongside many other women awakened in their feminine.
Wont let me sign up
Thank you for letting me know sister. We have manually added you to these rituals. You should have received the welcome email by now 🙂 Happy Spring! <3