Make these affirmations a part of your every day life to experience the magic of your feminine …

I deserve to get what I desire. I am worthy!

The wise woman inside of me knows! I trust her!

I decide who I am. I am the only one who can truly see who I am

Who am I being? (my daily self-check)

The wealth around us is quite tiny as compared to the wealth within us. We only to have to dive-in to our real desires.

Vulnerability is the decision to ask ego to take a day-off.

As I create my to-do list for this week, I am putting myself on the top of that list

I know there is more where that came from

The tools to manage the difficulties of my life are within me

The quality of my life depends on the quality of the questions that I ask

The better I love myself, the better I can love others.

I will allow myself to receive good rest. It’s part of my progress

I have plenty of time to do what I really want to do. And so it is.

I know that pleasure & fun are the secrets to a gratifying life

My feelings are my choice

I am expecting a miracle today

The ability to allow myself to experience & receive pleasure is essential for me to create the lifestyle & business that I dream of.

Life is abundant. So am I.

I am born to live each day with love, hope, gratitude, compassion, desires, dreams and a ‘go for it’ attitude.
Exploring Femininity teaches 21st century women to be busy & still feel sensual in their bodies, use their womb wisdom to make wise decisions & show up in the world in their authentic expression.
© Copyright 2023 - Exploring Femininity
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