3 months mentorship...
You are an ambitious woman who desires to create a new way of doing, being and leading.
Let’s Go All In !
There’s a big reason why most women struggle and don’t have what they want.
As women, we’ve been taught not to ask for ‘more’.
So we tend to settle for less and play small rather than ask for, plan for, and know that we can have big things.
Empress Lifestyle Design is a personalised experience for busy women who are ambitious about summoning ‘more’ of their purpose, potential, presence, power, pleasure and play in integrated, amplified and deeply meaningful ways that are specific to their lifestyle.
Yes, there is ‘more’ available for you! And now is the time to put yourself first.
If you’re not EXACTLY where you want to be, I am glad you are here!
Empress Lifestyle Design is for busy women who are done trying the balancing act by themselves and instead ready to create their village of support.
Who is an Empress?
An Empress is a trilogy of the archetypes of the warrior, the mother & the lover.
An Empress is a woman who is aware, alive and awake!
An Empress is a living example of beauty, sensuality, creativity, deep nurturing and authentic self-expression.
Her empire is Her BEING.
Would you be interested to discovering your Empress within and designing your life accordingly?
She lives inside you and is waiting for you to untame Her!
Who is the ‘Empress Lifestyle Design’ mentorship for?
What will the ‘Empress Lifestyle Design’ Mentorship include?
During this 3 months mentorship we will dissect the various light and dark qualities of your lover, mother and warrior archetype.
The Lover Essence
Pleasure + Play
SHE codes you to experience sensuality, sacred beauty and sexuality in your everyday life, thereby, becoming ALIVE in your temple body. SHE makes you feel safe in your body.
The Mother Essence
Presence + Power
SHE codes you to connect with your womb, cosmic abundance and magnetic creation, thereby, becoming AWAKE in your feminine wisdom. SHE allows you to trust your deep intuition.
The Warrior Essence
Purpose + Potential
SHE codes you to take courageous decisions, use your voice and step into self-leadership, thereby, becoming AWARE of your life’s work. SHE assists you to express your soul’s desires.
This mentorship will require your Vulnerability, Surrender and a willingness to Show Up fully!
I will be doing powerful energy work with you throughout our time together. Sessions will be an embodied, energetic, deep meditative experience.
Together we will look at what stories are holding you back, perform rituals to heal your trauma and fears, create new shifts in your feminine consciousness so that you can claim your empress archetype.
I will act as your mirror of truth and my work will support you in designing your Empress blueprint.
If you are ready, let’s play.