A 15 Days Home Study Programme to Explore the 7 Core Elements for BEING in your Feminine Essence  

  • Do you feel that you are doing a lot & still not feeling fulfilled?

  • Do you feel that people around you don’t understand your needs very well?

  • Do you long for a meaningful relationship with your loved ones?

  • You know that you need to look after yourself more but don’t know how.

  • You keep sabotaging your desires & dreams.

 I am here to tell you that whatever wisdom or guidance that you need to no longer feel burnt out and unfulfilled and to feel alive and connected to your juicy power is within YOU!  

 You can activate that wisdom in you by learning to ‘BE’ in the 7 Core Elements of your Feminine Essence  

To BE in your FEMININE ESSENCE means to feel FULLY..

These 7 Core Elements will take you on an in-depth exploration of your feelings that are longing to be heard !! 

 So what’s going to change for you ? 

  • You will get clear on your needs, wants and desires to live your life on purpose and feel fulfilled

  • You will know how to ask for what you need and want without feeling guilty about it

  • You will begin to give yourself the self-care & self-love that you deserve & feel confident about it

  • You will learn to accept pleasure without guilt, enjoy life, live fully in the moment and bring back fun in your life

  • You will finally stop procrastinating and start taking small steps towards the dream life that you want to create for yourself.

Here’s what some women have to say after learning to ‘BE’ in their Feminine Essence  

Jonita is amazing. She has truly helped me to find myself as I have been longing for a deeper understanding of what my feminine self is and how it is to be a woman. I have been looking for some place where I can learn about my feminine side and I can’t say enough I found  ‘Exploring Femininity’ deeply touching and I am finding myself in it! I have much more clarity about myself than ever before. Thank you Jonita. Please continue your feminine work!!

Exploring Femininity has brought so much love, gratefulness n happiness in my heart. I am extremely grateful to Jonita for this challenge.13 days of simple yet powerful exercises. It was a life changing experience for me as I was going through tough time and this challenge helped me a lot in terms of self-love, forgiveness, womb meditation and many great stuff. All these steps are helping me to be a better person each day. I was amazed by the concept of sisterhood and just loved it. Although few exercises like feeling yourself and acknowledging your dark side were a bit harder but I realized that those were truly powerful steps. I realized that I have been very hard on myself for many bad past memories but I learned forgiving myself. I am doing it every day and it feels great. I am grateful to Jonita for helping me and other women to have a happy and fulfilling life.

Connecting with my feminine has helped me to slow down and really focus on what I really want in life. I am doing more of what I like and I am becoming good in saying ‘no’ to people and things that don’t serve me. I was working a lot and juggling between my social life and work and felt exhausted in the monotonous life. Deepening my feminine connection with Jonita’s guidance allowed me to learn how to manage my energy and listen to my body. I am still learning (as Jonita says it’s a lifelong practice). The good thing is that Jonita’s work is simple and powerful so it does not add up to another ‘thing to-do’ in my day.

This 15 Days Home Study Programme is based on the 7 Core Elements of Feminine Essence

sacred womb healing

♥♥ These 7 Core Elements of Feminine Essence allowed me and several other women that I have worked with to deepen connection with our feminine essence to feel & be empowered on a daily basis. 


♥♥ This process will definitely require you to make certain physical, energetic and emotional shifts in your lifestyle but you will be gently guided by your feminine. I invite you to trust the process.


♥♥ The divine truth is that feminine essence lives inside every woman and you’ve got that too. It is one of the most attractive forces within you, it feeds you and is a gift that no one can ever take away from you. Its your unique expression in this world, because honey, there is only one ‘you’ in this world and the world needs you awakened in your feminine essence.

Here’s what you will receive …

  • 8 Downloadable Feminine Exploration Audio Tutorials that you can listen to anytime

  • 8 Downloadable & Fillable Workbooks for your exploration that you can re-visit anytime you wish to reconnect with your essence

  • My Personally Tested & Recommended Resources To Keep You Inspired along the way and beyond

  • Life-Time access to this course so that you can keep coming back to these Feminine Explorations every time you need a reassurance

  • BONUS – Access to Everyday Womb Revival Audio Guide which is a powerful 7mins downloadable .mp3 to nourish your womb aka your feminine power center every day. Every single woman who has been using this audio guide has experienced profound transformation in their feminine wisdom.

So are you ready to stop the ‘doing‘ & start the ‘being‘?

Still thinking?

Here’s a quick run down of the  7 Core Elements of BEING that will Empower Your
Feminine Essence

  • Feminine Exploration Module 1 : Choice

    ♥ You will learn the 2 fundamentals to become empowered in your choices.

    ♥ You will explore how to make clear on the choices on a daily basis that will no longer drain you.

    ♥ You will learn tools to tune in to your feminine guidance to feel confident in your choices even when things go wrong.

  • Feminine Exploration Module 2 : Commitment

    ♥  You will explore the reasons why you are scared to commit and how you can overcome it

    ♥  You will form a new relationship with this word to make you feel good about your commitments (it’s not that scary!)

    ♥  You will learn to face your resistance in getting things done and do it anyways

  • Feminine Exploration Module 3 : Consistency

    ♥ You will discover the 2 reasons that may be stopping you to from being consistent

    ♥ You will learn why it is important to be consistent in your feminine rituals

    ♥ You will create your feminine ritual to set your day in high energy

  • Feminine Exploration Module 4 : Connection

    ♥ You will discover the 2 big reasons why you may be feeling disconnected in your life

    ♥ You will reconnect with your innocence and vulnerability to dissolve that mask which has been hiding the real you

    ♥ You will learn a powerful tool to deepen the connection with yourself and people around you

  • Feminine Exploration Module 5 : Compassion

    ♥ You will explore feminine rituals to enhance self-compassion that will melt away your guilt.

    ♥ You will activate your lover archetype to begin to love yourself unconditionally

    ♥ You will heal your heart chakra to forgive and fully accept yourself.

  • Feminine Exploration Module 6 : Creativity

    ♥ You will explore the biggest reason that stopped you from being creative and playful

    ♥ You will learn to get past your own judgement and get over the ‘Miss Perfectionist’ syndrome

    ♥ You will discover your hidden creative genius

  • Feminine Exploration Module 7 : Celebration

    ♥ You will explore the biggest reason why you do not celebrate yourself enough

    ♥ You will discover your relationship to over giving and under receiving

    ♥ You will create your feminine ritual to celebrate yourself more

Before you decide, let me tell you a bit about myself..

sacred womb healing

My name is Jonita Dsouza and I call myself a Feminine Lifestylist. I am the Creatress of Exploring Femininity, a company dedicated to assisting modern day busy women who struggle with burn-out, overwhelm and body love to reconnect with their feminine and sensual energy using the ancient Taoist and Tantric arts, so that they can create a lifestyle that is fulfilling, nurturing and pleasurable.

I am a certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist and have been facilitating monthly moon circles, online workshops and in-person sacred feminine retreats, over the last 8 years.

My work has been featured in several self-development platforms.

(You can take your time and read all about my work here.)

But just  until 13 years ago my life did not look this beautiful and fulfilling! I was a ‘walking dead’ woman – disinterested in my well-paid job, stuck in a toxic relationshop, lost my beloved father in a sudden tradegy and my body was covered with stage 2 eczema! I had totally lost myself! It took me the next 5 years to deeply immerse in to the understanding of what it means to be a woman in the modern world, and discover and practice the spiritual teachings of the Divine Feminine Mysteries.

Guess what.. I found answers!! Answers that less than 1% of the women of the current times are integrating in their lives. I then made the decision to pass on the ancient feminine wisdom to as many women around and invite them on a life-enriching journey of exploring their femininity. Hence my company was birthed and there has been no looking back ever since. As of now, we have served thousands of women across the 7 continents and I can humbly with fierce grace say that I am grateful to be a channel of the Divine Feminine Consciousness on this planet.

I am so looking to welcome you on this journey to EMPOWER YOUR FEMININE ESSENCE with me.

Invest in your dreams, desires and power as a woman and watch your beautiful life unfold. 

Your investment for this life-enriching journey is £77 !


It’s not only about DOING THE WORK but BEING THE WORK

I trust my work is transformational should you choose to gift yourself the opportunity to fully experience it.