In the current world that’s leaving us all feeling POWERLESS,

I’m here to tell you that it’s up to us to awaken and recover the POWER WITHIN.

And the Dark Feminine is here to teach us how..

The Dark Feminine is the medicine by which we can transform the collective shadow of humanity. 

In my work with hundreds of women, I have identified 7 core dark feminine patterns that rule the choices we make on a daily basis –

I can’t ..
I am alone ..
I am not loved ..
I don’t know ..
There is not enough ..
I am not free to express my truth..

If you, my dear sister, have noticed any of these patterns governing in your life, chances are you have a deep-seated Womb Rage.

Do not be afraid, because your Womb Rage is your greatest resource for identifying your soul’s journey and authentic self-expression.

And your Dark Feminine  is your loving mirror to reflect the unmet, unheard, unseen aspects of your psyche that requires tending for you to experience life as a sacred sensual sovereign woman.

Allow me to guide you in learning self-sourcing practices to create feminine alchemy.

This is not just another course, it is a portal to your Sovereign Feminine.

Why should You Care about Your Womb Rage ?

Because …

Your womb is the portal of divine feminine power, creation, death and rebirth.

As a woman, your womb is considered as the centre, the home and the powerhouse of your feminine energy.

All aspects of your femininity, creativity, sexuality, money, relationships, empathy, nurturing, pleasure, emotions, movement, change, warmth, and intimacy is resourced from your womb.

These times of crisis, chaos and dismantling of the old systems, you are called to activate a new way of being where you feel a deep grounded presence, in flow, in love, with self, with life.

So that you can make choices and decisions for the highest good of yourself, your loved ones, your community and for the human collective.

You have been conditioned to be stressed, confused, overwhelmed, exhausted, disconnected.

Well.. how has that been working for you??

Interestingly, for most women the womb area is tense, cold and rigid.

We unconsciously store our emotions from the past traumatic experiences of our lives like fear, stress, abandonment, betrayal, failure, suppression, anger, loneliness and rejection in our womb. 

These dark emotions lead to a deep-seated Womb Rage.

Ever-wondered How the Dark Feminine Energy in Your Womb may Look Like in Your Daily Life?

⇒A lack of self-esteem or self-worth – you think you do not know how to take care of yourself

⇒Attracting unhealthy, and sometimes abusive, relationships

⇒ Emotional overreactions – also leading to pessimism or depression

⇒ Excessive emotional attachment to people or objects – think ‘addicted to SHOPPING’

⇒ Acting needy and control-freak in relationships – you fear nobody loves you

⇒ Co-dependency – becoming manipulative to receive love and attention

⇒ Muscle tension, abdominal cramps, painful periods, urinary or bladder infections

⇒ Fear of happiness or pleasure, self-sabotage

⇒ Lack of creativity and authenticity

⇒ Low libido – ignoring simple pleasures of life

⇒ A workaholic or busybee attitude – addicted to all kinds of activities that you use as a substitute for love.

Dark Feminine Energy

Why is it Vital to Commune with Your Dark Feminine ?

Dark Feminine

The Dark Feminine is not a place of fear but a place of love and deep, complete, unconditional acceptance. 

Just like the loving darkness of your mother’s womb. 

For the first part of your life, you belonged intimately with the Dark Feminine. 

And now a part of you is longing to return to that safety, ease and feeling of deep belonging.

Your Dark Feminine is your innate bff who’s sole intention is to mirror and reflect back the parts of yourself that hold the key to living your desires.

Your Dark Feminine teaches you the inevitable cycle of life, death and rebirth.

Communing with Your Dark Feminine allows you to fully accept yourself with your imperfections and fears and usefully redirect your life-force energy (aka Shakti) to create more of what you desire in your life unapologetically.

Is Your Womb Rage Righteous and Sacred?

Hell Yes !

The patriarchal society teaches us to be a ‘good girl’, to be one who accommodates, and not to be the bitch who has no control of her anger. 

Let me tell you this sister..

Your Womb Rage is here to give you a message!

A message that you need to hear in order to grow into a more mature and whole human being. 

A message that your past needs healing.  

A message that your needs were not met and requires re-parenting.

A message to learn the deepest level of self-love and self-care. 

Your Womb Rage has just the right amount of creative energy to allow you to stop betraying yourself and take up space in your authentic self-expression.

sacred womb healing

What are some of the women who have taken this self-ceremony saying ?

I had heard about the Dark Feminine but did not fully understand her so I decided to take this journey. These 3 days of ceremony came right on time in my life and showed me many aspects of myself and how they are impacting my everyday life. I have been on the path of self-discovery for some time now and these rituals brought me much closer to my feminine. I particularly loved Day 2 ceremony as it was filled with embodiment practices to understand my Dark Feminine. It is important for me that I resonate with the teacher I work with and what I like about Jonita’s teachings is that she delivers feminine techniques that are simple, powerful, spiritual and practical. I recommend taking the Womb Rage Self Ceremony.

I joined the Womb Rage Self Ceremony with the intention to clear my womb of negativity, past lovers and make space for new creation. I thoroughly enjoyed the Dragon Womb Breathing and the video practices. I feel lighter and a deeper sense of connection to my womb and my dragon energy. Jonita is a great feminine spiritual coach, her work is beautiful and her energy is lovely to be guided into deep feminine healing practices.
When I first read about Womb Rage Self Ceremony, I deeply resonated and felt a sort of fear and resistance at the same time. I knew that it was an invitation for me to deepen and heal my relationship with anger and rage. Just completing the Day 1 ceremony sparked a lot of creativity and deep compassion within me. Dragon Womb Breathing from Day 2 was an invigorating experience for me. Jonita has a gentle and beautiful way of telling the hard truths and holding space in a comforting way. She exactly says what one needs to hear and give space for exploring what feels right and true to oneself. I would highly recommend her work. 

How Can the Womb Rage Ceremony Help Your Sacred Feminine?

You will learn ancient Taoist Tantric temple practices of –

Movement Medicine

Shamanic Breathwork

Altar Building 

Sacred Anointing

Mini Rituals for Daily Ceremonial Living

Contemplation & Journaling

Mudra & Mantra 

Who is ‘Womb Rage’ for?

Who feels anxious & overwhelmed in our current world
Who is afraid to claim herself & step fully into her gifts
Who is ready to honor herself, her visions, & her creations
Who wishes to ritualize the feminine times of the moon cycle
Who is unapologetic to embrace her raw feminine power

Who is Womb Rage not for?

Who wants to avoid honest conversation with self
Who is unwilling to accept full responsibility of her life
Who wants to experience life from her comfort zone
Who does not care to carve time for her spiritual growth
Who assumes anger & dark are exclusive of spirituality

Are you ready to dive into the depths of your Dark Womb and become the embodiment of an authentically expressed sovereign woman?

Experience the alchemy for yourself. You will be grateful you did!

How Will the 3 Days of this Self Ceremony look like?

PS: the best times to indulge in this Self Ceremony are during the ‘Dark /New Moons’ or during your ‘Menstruation’ or during the ‘Dark Cycles’ of the seasons or during the ‘Dark Nights of Your Soul’ times .

Day 1: 

Sensing Your Womb and Your Dark Feminine

A Sankalp Ceremony to dive into the deep waters of your primordial ideas, beliefs, emotions, fears around anger, rage and your Dark Feminine.

Day 2: 

Invoking Your Womb Rage with the Wisdom of Your Dark Feminine

A Tandav Ceremony to activate your dark womb using transformational dragon breathwork and sacred movement medicine.

Day 3: 

Transmuting Your Womb into Your Creative Cauldron

A Tantric Ceremony to energise your Womb Power and the creative intelligence and pure potentiality of your Dark Feminine.

You will receive lifetime access to high quality downloadable sensual videos, audios and journals to take you through this journey. 

So are you ready to receive cutting edge information and insights into a whole new spectrum of your raw feminine power ?

I hope you said a BIG YES !

Because Your Investment is only $133

And that’s not it..

You will also receive the following Bonus Audio Gifts for listening promptly to your Dark Feminine’s call !

The Evolving Dark Feminine Playlist

Dark Feminine Listening Practice

& Many More Useful Feminine Resources ..

Dark Feminine Leader

Meet Your Dark Feminine Guide – Jonita D’souza

Hey Sister.. Lovely to meet you.. I am a Feminine Lifestylist and Creatress of Exploring Femininity Ltd. I assist modern day busy women, just like yourself, who struggle with burn-out, overwhelm and body love, to reconnect with their feminine and sensual energy using the ancient Taoist and Tantric arts. So that they can create a lifestyle that is fulfilling, nurturing and pleasurable. I am also a certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist. I combine the teachings of feminine mysticism and shamanism in my work, facilitating monthly moon circles, online workshops and sacred feminine retreats.

After having 3 years of deep-dive with my own Dark Feminine energy and leading hundreds of women through their Dark Feminine journeys online as well as in-person retreats, I have seen as well as experienced first hand, the radical difference it makes to a woman’s self-expression, sensuality and self-love. Why learn from me? … Because I live and breath this stuff, seriously!

You can see more of my work here .

Any more questions, please write to me at .

You Are Worth It Divine Woman ..You Deserve The Incredible Gift of Dark Feminine Power.

Don’t Wait One More Day To Do This For Yourself!