• Feminine Empress Codes

Dear Woman..

Are you ready to embark an in-depth immersion into self-leadership using the gifts of your feminine and reclaim your rightful throne?

Welcome to The Feminine Empress Codes

A 4 months online mentorship portal to upgrade your life as a woman!

We begin on the Dark Moon in Capricorn, the 10th January 2024.

It’s time for you to step up and take the centre stage of your life.

What does it mean to be a Feminine Empress ?

feminine empowerment coach

For us women of the modern day busy world –

It means opening to new perspectives by retrieving the understanding that already exists deep within our divine self.

It means breaking up from the old or current norms of over-giving and over-doing for validation and approval of others.

It means living in ways that vitalize our bodies by reclaiming lost parts of our sensuality and sexuality.

It means tending our longings and encountering our darkness so that we can grow in our vision, connection and well-being.

It means breaking open our hearts into the realms of our untouched potential to love and forgive beyond imagination.

It means opening beyond our roles or status in a family because we deeply feel the evolutionary gifts we carry for the greater good.

It means falling in love with the fear of the unknown by trusting in the unknown.

It means taking space and showing up!

As Feminine Empress

We find solutions, not problems.

We don’t fix ourselves, we create ourselves.

We turn ordinary days into extraordinary affairs.

We know that our empire is our BEING.

The Feminine Empress is a Trilogy of 3 Core Essence –

The Lover Essence
Pleasure + Play


SHE codes you to experience sensuality, sacred beauty and sexuality in your everyday life, thereby, becoming ALIVE in your temple body. SHE makes you feel safe in your body.

The Mother Essence
Presence + Power

Womb Activation

SHE codes you to connect with your womb, cosmic abundance and magnetic creation, thereby, becoming AWAKE in your feminine wisdom. SHE allows you to trust your deep intuition.

The Warrior Essence
Purpose + Potential

feminine empowerment coach

SHE codes you to take courageous decisions, use your voice and step into self-leadership, thereby, becoming AWARE of your life’s work. SHE assists you to express your soul’s desires.

Unfortunately, many of us women operate our lives with the shadow sides of these essences …

Not owning our Lover Essence results in feeling disconnected to the sensations of our body, losing our identity in love relationships, unable to experience the reverence of our sexual energy, numbing ourselves to fill a void within and feeling a sense of shame about self.

Not owning our Mother Essence results in overgiving for validation, not allowing time to slow down, ignoring body’s messages to make certain life changes, keep pushing ourself to achieve results and feeling a sense of guilt for putting our desires first.

Not owning our Warrior Essence results in living in a distorted relationship with our masculine energy, doubting our life’s purpose, feeling trapped in the stories of our past experiences, and fearing to speak our truth.


Dear Sister …

The Feminine Empress Codes is an invitation for you to honor all the hardships you have endured in this lifetime and transmute them in the safety of sacred sisterhood so that you can love being a woman in ways you never imagined possible. 

In this 4 month immersion, you will learn the Ancient Feminine Codes of –

  • Movement Medicine for Emotional Alchemy

  • Shamanic Breathwork for Mental Clarity

  • Elemental Invocation for Divine Consecration

  • Daily Tantric Rituals for Enriched Living

  • Contemplation & Journaling for Value Based Learning

  • Mudra & Mantra Magic for Inner Wisdom

  • And much more …

feminine empowerment coach

The Feminine Empress Codes

will support you to stop playing small, disregard all that you have been taught to believe about yourself by the patriarchy and start raising your standards in life to liberate your unlimited potential as a woman.. 

Because you totally and fully are enough, worthy and deserving of all the magic life has in store for you!

How will the 4 months of The Feminine Empress Codes Immersion work?


We will fully utilize the 4 week cycle to take a deep dive into one of the essences of the Feminine Empress as below – 

  • Week1

    Lessons for Self-inquiry + Contemplation into the Dark Codes

  • Week2

    LIVE Integration Sister-Circle for Witnessing + Q&A


  • Week3

    Lessons for the Light Codes with Embodiment Rituals

  • Week4

    LIVE Celebration Sister-Circle for Witnessing + Q&A + Self-Blessing


  • Week5

    Further Integration, BONUS Class & Group Support

Who is this for? 

  • Business woman who would like more ease, flow & unique content ideas

  • Woman who feels tired, anxious, unfulfilled & overwhelmed in our current world

  • Woman who is afraid to claim her sexuality & her intuitive hunches

  • Woman who is ready to raise her standards for life, her visions & her creations

  • Woman who is unapologetic to embrace her raw feminine power

Who is this not for?

  • Woman who wants to avoid honest conversation with self

  • Woman who is unwilling to accept full responsibility of her life

  • Woman who wants to experience life from her comfort zone

  • Woman who does not care to carve time for her personal growth

  • Woman who assumes anger, sexuality & dark are exclusive of spirituality

Here’s the Curriculum of The Feminine Empress Codes –

The Lover Essence
(10th January 2024)

Light & Dark Codes of
Pleasure + Play

Tantric Self-Love, Desiring + Forgiveness Codes

Yoni Healing + Sex Magic Codes

Holistic Style + Beauty Codes

Healing Darkness Seduction Codes

Sensual Space Activation Codes

& much more …

The Mother Essence
(14th February 2024)

Light & Dark Codes of
Presence + Power

Taoist Womb + Ovaries Energising Codes

Menstruation Blood Codes

Sacred Receiving Codes

Abundance + Surrender Codes

Discernment + Devotion Codes

& much more …

The Warrior Essence
(20th March 2024)

Light & Dark Codes of
Purpose+ Potential

Integrated Masculine Codes

Fierce Grace Legacy Codes

Time Expanding + Collapsing Codes

Authentic Visibility + Expression Codes

Feminine Manifestation Codes

& much more …

There will be an additional LIVE CORONATION CEREMONY to alchemize all the transmutation and transformation as you step out in the world as the Feminine Empress!

It doesn’t matter which level of knowledge you begin with, these codes will easily guide you to the next level of sovereignty, joy and pleasure in your life.

That’s not it !!

There are more treats for your Feminine Empress so that never-ever in the future you will feel under-served.

Your Scintillating Bonuses –

A Feminine Empress Resource Library for you …

  • Daily Protection Prayer

    A quick support system to entrain your sub-conscious with ‘trust’ and put Universe to work for you

  • Cellular Regeneration Movement Therapy

    A multi-dimensional practice to re-charge your chakras and restore harmony in your psyche

  • ‘Empress Rising’ Morning Practice

    Set the tone for your day to love, live and lead from your co-creatress energy

  • ‘Setting Your Empress Standards’ Training

    In this session you will upgrade your energy so you become absolutely unavailable for anything that you no longer want.

  • Menstruation Blood Rituals to Heal, Release & Manifest

    Set of advanced ancient practices doing less to receive more during your periods

  • Re-Mothering Your Overwhelm & Enoughness

    In this session you will understand and imply the energetics required heal your ideas of unworthiness

  • Worshipping The Masculine

    In this session you will dissolve the distorted masculine within and heal your  father wounds

  • The Evolving Feminine Empress Music Playlist

    Curated especially for the various essences of your Feminine Empress to shift you into a 4-D Being-state

Here’s a recap of what you will receive in our 4 months together –

  • High-Quality Videos,Audios,Curated Worksheets

    Loaded with Interactive Self-Leadership Guidance, Tantric Homeplays and Meditations

  • 9+ LIVE Integration Sister-Circles

    Powerful Zoom Circles for integration, coaching, witnessing, blessings and Q&A (replays will be available)

  • Orientation Guide + Graduation Ceremony

    To deeply anchor your journey in your body and environment from the start to the finish

  • Private Facebook Group

    To provide additional support from Jonita and experience witnessing from the fellow sisters

  • 8 Scintillating Bonuses

    Your Feminine Empress resource library for use any time you need an extra dose of inspiration

  • Lifetime Access

    To revisit all of the Feminine Empress Codes any time or use as life leads you

  • Surprise Additions

    And anything else I decide to create for you in our time together!


Your Investment for The Feminine Empress Codes –

Dear Sister …

This is a 4 months immersion to summon your purpose, potential, presence, power, pleasure and play in integrated, amplified and deeply meaningful ways that are specific to you. 

The real life-time value of this Feminine Upgrade is priceless.

Below are the three juicy options for investing in your self-leadership …

Option 1: Empress Initiation ($777)

Feminine Wisdom Rituals & Inquiries as Videos, Audios, PDFs

9 LIVE Sister Circles

8 Scintillating Bonuses (more to be added)

LIVE Coronation Ceremony

Lifetime Access

Private Facebook Group


Option 2: Empress Bundle ($997)

Feminine Wisdom Rituals & Inquiries as Videos, Audios, PDFs

9 LIVE Sister Circles

8 Scintillating Bonuses (more to be added)

LIVE Coronation Ceremony

Lifetime Access

Private Facebook Group


The Jade Egg Magic Program ($297)


Womb Rage Ceremony ($122)


Golden Forgiveness ($122)


Option 3: Empress Mentorship (1997)

(for 5 women only)

Feminine Wisdom Rituals & Inquiries as Videos, Audios, PDFs

9 LIVE Sister Circles

8 Scintillating Bonuses (more to be added)

LIVE Coronation Ceremony

Lifetime Access

Private Facebook Group


The Jade Egg Magic Program ($297)


Womb Rage Ceremony ($122)


Golden Forgiveness ($122)


4 Private One Hour Alchemy Sessions for women who require one-on-one support & mentorship in their life + business throughout these 4 months


Simply put, The Feminine Empress Codes is enriched with set of practices for modern woman who want to embody her higher-self.

So dear woman, are you ready to become the Feminine Empress?

Time is NOW !

Who am I to teach you The Feminine Empress Codes?

My name is Jonita Dsouza and I call myself a Feminine Lifestylist. I am the Creatress of Exploring Femininity, a company dedicated to assisting modern day busy women who struggle with burn-out, overwhelm and body love to reconnect with their feminine and sensual energy using the ancient Taoist and Tantric arts, so that they can create a lifestyle that is fulfilling, nurturing and pleasurable.

I am a certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist and have been facilitating monthly moon circles, online workshops and in-person sacred feminine retreats, over the last 8 years.

My work has been featured in several self-development platforms.

(You can take your time and read all about it here.)

But just  until 13 years ago my life did not look this beautiful and fulfilling! I was a ‘walking dead’ woman – disinterested in my well-paid job, stuck in a toxic relationshop, lost my beloved father in a sudden tradegy and my body was covered with stage 2 eczema! I had totally lost myself! It took me the next 5 years to deeply immerse in to the understanding of what it means to be a woman in the modern world, and discover and practice the spiritual teachings of the Divine Feminine Mysteries.

Guess what.. I found answers!! Answers that less than 1% of the women of the current times are integrating in their lives. I then made the decision to pass on the ancient feminine wisdom to as many women around and invite them on a life-enriching journey of exploring their femininity. Hence my company was birthed and there has been no looking back ever since. As of now, we have served thousands of women across the 7 continents and I can humbly with fierce grace say that I am grateful to be a channel of the Divine Feminine Consciousness on this planet.


So if you are ready, I have got your back sister! Only because I have been there!

If you are looking for a woman who can be your guide, sister & cheer-leader in showing you how to use the mysticism of the divine feminine to reconnect with your unfulfilled desires, rekindle your lost body love & renew your relationships, you have come to the right place.

Let’s begin ! 

Any questions about The Feminine Empress Codes,  email me – jonita@exploringfemininity.com

Please be 100% certain before enrolling as we hold a strict NO REFUND Policy